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Provider Directory
Provider Directory Disclaimer
Community First Health Plans’ (CFHP) goal is to provide meaningful information so you may make informed decisions about your health care. Please remember that you must consider medical information provided by CFHP to be educational and informational only.

The information provided by CFHP cannot predict the quality or outcome of any single individual’s health care experience. Your experience will be the result of a variety of different factors, including but not limited to the hospital or health care provider office at which you receive care, the health care provider(s) from whom you receive care, and your own health status.

CFHP cannot guarantee the quality or outcome of any medical care you receive at a hospital or health care provider office listed on this website.

Collection and Validation of Online Provider Directory Data
Information is self-reported every three years (with the exception noted below), or more often according to State and Federal requirements. CFHP requires that a provider sign a document assuring us that the information is correct. We independently verify the provider name, provider specialty, board certification, hospital accreditation and NCQA certification. CFHP ensures that there are adequate numbers and appropriate geographic distribution of primary care, behavioral health, and specialty care practitioners to meet member needs. CFHP monitors practitioner availability annually against its standards, and takes action, as needed, to improve practitioner availability.

Note: CFHP makes every effort to keep the directory complete and accurate. This data may change between our three year validation cycles. However, we rely on our providers to notify us when any of this information changes. We update the online provider directory on a bi-weekly basis. If you have a question about the information listed here, please contact our Member Services department at (210) 227-2347 or toll-free at 1-800-434-2347.

The information found on this website should be one of several resources. Please remember to confirm that any hospital or health care provider you select, or service you are having, is covered under your health plan.